Friday, 2 April 2010

Just A Number - Poem

Just a Number

She walks the streets every day
She has got no where else to go
She is unaware of how people stare at her and point at her
Her clothes are two sizes too big for her and her shoes are falling apart
She lacks simple manners and is often an embarrassment to herself and others
She is a freak, one of this countries many misfits
She doesn’t realise that she is different from everyone else
She only sees what she wants to see
Her mind is muddled, most of the time she lives in a fantasyland
She has never had a proper home
Her family are a bunch of strangers in a residential home hidden from public view
Faces with no names
At night she is safe tucked up in her warm bed
In the daytime she is put out on the streets to fend for herself
If she gets into trouble it is no ones fault
No one will take responsibility for her
She is unwanted and unloved
Today’s society would like to sweep her under the carpet
She is someone they would rather forget
She serves no purpose on this earth
She is nothing more than an eye sore, a disgrace
She can’t help how she is – she was born that way
Abandoned because of mental problems by those who brought her into this cruel unforgiving world
They wanted a perfect daughter but they ended up with someone they just couldn’t find the heart to love
Just because she was different from the norm she was sent away, forgotten, tragically thrown away like a piece of rubbish left to blow in the wind
She has spent her life being passed from pillar to post
The sad thing is she knows no better
She sees this rejection as part of normal life
She is used to being exiled, shunned by the cruel people who walk the streets
Cast aside by the very people who made her
We call ourselves a caring society but in truth people still suffer in silence every day
It is all too easy to preach but it is not so easy to put our words into action or so it would seem
Just because someone has got a problem doesn’t mean that they haven’t got feelings
They still need love and attention
The sad thing is that in this day and age nobody would really care if this sad and lonely woman lived or died
She is after all just a number; no one takes the time to find out her name

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