Friday, 2 April 2010

A Living Hell - Poem

A Living Hell

She is desperately unhappy
She dreads the dawn of everyday
She is afraid to go to sleep for fear of what the new day will bring
In a world full of people she feels so isolated
She needs help but is too scared to ask for it
She has got no real friends and her family certainly isn’t interested
Everywhere she turns she runs into a brick wall
The walls grow higher every day
There is no escape from this prison on earth
The invisible chains around her body drag her down
Her life is a living hell
Slowly she is suffocating, drowning in a sea of pain and despair
When she comes up for air there is nothing there
She is lost, floating out of control
If she hits rock bottom and decides to commit suicide will anyone be around to save her?
Although she is afraid of death she can’t go on living much longer
Surely death would be better than a life of endless misery?
She knows that she is partly to blame for the situation she finds herself in
She is no saint but she isn’t a bad person either
The verbal abuse leaves her feeling weak and frail
If he hit her at least she would have a bruise or a mark to show the world
There is no let up, everyday it is a struggle to put on a pretend brave face and smile
From the hours of nine to five she is a happy person who is full of energy and has a zest for life
She spends the rest of her life in fear
Every noise, every shadow has her on edge
The voices in her head drive her out of her mind
She has thought about packing her bags and running away but he would find her
There is no escape from evil
If she left where would she go?
Although she hates him for what he has turned her into without him she is nothing
For all his faults and the way he mistreats her she still loves him
The days grow darker and the fear grows stronger
Her hands shake and her heart pounds
She is just a shell of her former self
She just wants to curl up and die
She is too tired to fight back anymore
Even her love for this man has worn away
She has gone beyond reaching out for a helping hand
The pills slip down easily
Alcohol washes them down, a sip becomes a swig
As night becomes day she slowly slips away
She dies all alone in her own sad world
There was nobody around to save her
This is one dawn she won’t have to face
This is one day when she can smile a real smile and she can celebrate the fact that she has finally although tragically escaped.

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