Friday, 2 April 2010
Lusting after the wrong person
A few years a go now I met someone through work. This person came to work in our office as a temp. As soon as I saw this person it was a case of lust, because love is too strong a word, at first sight. I saw this person and they literally pressed all of the right buttons for me. I had never ever felt that way before and probably won't ever again. Not to fancy someone so strongly and keenly from one meeting. I saw them and I had the usual butterflies in the stomach, trembling in the knees, heart racing, sweaty palms etc but there was something more, much more. I wanted this person. I felt on fire when I was around this person. It was as much as I could do to stop my tongue hanging out whenever I was near this person. I was literally drooling at the mouth with desire. I must have seemed a bit weird to this person. Here they were just entering a new office and there I was dumb struck and so infatuated. It was crazy. Every time I got near said person I left aroused. I dreamt of all kinds of naughty things. I so wanted to take them into a cupboard and lock the door, but I knew that was so not going to happen. I would chicken out if anything happened or possibly could happen I was so sure of that and to the other person I was just another worker in the office. Someone to pass the time of day with. I was never gonna be the object of their desire that was for sure. I imagined all kinds of scenario's for the two of us. I found every excuse to speak to this person, to be near them. Anything to get a lingering look at their body. To be around them in case they accidentally brushed by me. It was a real killer being so close, so aroused and not being able to do a thing about it, not even tell the person how I felt. I have never ever wanted a person so badly. I was consumed by a terrible wanting and desire. Of course temps come and go and in the end the time came to say goodbye. Boy, that was a terrible thing to have to do. To see this person leave probably never ever to be seen again. Strange thing is I still even now and this is like three or four years later think about that person all of the time. They are still very much in my thoughts. I cannot for the life of me get that person out of my head, not that I really want to. I still imagine us together and what I would like to do to them given the chance. It is a wonderful fantasy.
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