Thursday, 1 April 2010


Sometimes life throws us some funny/odd curve balls wouldn't you agree? I sometimes wonder where I am going in my life and what path I am meant to be following. I mean I never seem to get anywhere. I seem to take two steps forwards and about a hundred back. I try and be good but where does that get me? I feel like I am static, not going anywhere in this life and that before long it will be over and I won't have done anything worth while. Someone once asked me what had I done in my life, what did I feel most proud of. Yes I have managed to get qualifications, passed a driving test, get a job - all the mundane basic stuff, but I want more. I feel like I could do so much more if I had the courage to go for it. I have dreams and ambitions, don't we all. I am not married, I have no children and can't see me ever having any either. I once wrote a poem called Who Will Lay Flowers At My Grave?, charming doom and gloom title as I am sure you will agree. The point of this poem was to show that when it comes to my time to leave this world and go on into the next who will be left to visit my graveside? Who will mourn by passing? The family line is dying out. Sometimes maybe it is better not to think.

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