Friday, 2 April 2010

Life - Poem


Life is like a book:
You have to keep turning the pages over to discover what is going to happen next
Never judge a book by its cover, never judge life on face value and never take life for granted

Life is like a seed:
It grows and develops a bit more each day until finally it becomes a fully grown plant

Life is like a lake:
You can see the surface but you never know what is at the bottom

Life is like a game of cards:
You have to wait and see what cards fate will deal you

Life is like a game of snakes and ladders:
It is full of up’s and down’s, there are good times and there are bad

Life is what you make it:
If you stand still it will pass you by, you have to make the most of each day – nobody will do it for you

Life is like a painting:
It grows and develops; it is colourful and full of hidden treasures

Life is like a train journey:
It is a long journey with lots of stops a long the way, not all beautiful or pleasant but in order to get to your final destination you have to pass through every station

Life is like a candle:
It can burn bright, but it will soon fade away

Life is like a bird:
You can spread your wings and fly or you can stay put with your feet on solid ground
You can explore the world and travel or you can make a home and family

Life is like the sun:
It can be warm and bright or it can explode and life can end without warning

Life is what you make it

This started off life as a few quotes and grew from there.

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